Onward to home

Sunday, October 23, 2011


  1. Hey it looks like you gals were up with the chickens (he he). You sure are learning a lot in that warm sunny weather. Blessings and take care Aunt Claire, Uncle Art, Uncle Howard, Aunt Linda and Uncle Randy.

  2. Is the chicken a boy or girl? Pachia

  3. So do those chickens lay eggs? Did you find any? They are very different looking chickens, some of them.

    Grandma Jean

  4. LUCKY!
    My friend,Linda has chickens,but an animal broke in and killed them all. Boo! But one of the lady chickens was agressive so she kinda deserved it. That desighns are on those eggs?(If they lay eggs).

    Kaylie and Annika

  5. Hey!! No eggs with these chickens, but sure alot of different kinds of them.. We met them at an animal park for kids called Macadamian castle. Good to hear from you all. Keep blogging. we have so much to post. LOVE T&L&J
